Outside of payroll expenses, healthcare costs are the largest expense for companies, like yours. When employers are asked how they plan to control their rising cost of healthcare over the long term, they generally talk about how they need to improve employee health. But how do you accomplish this?

Your solution is as simple as ProCare HealthSpot.

As a health improvement solutions provider - with the ability to provide a regional and national footprint - ProCare offers Onsite or Near-site Medical Clinic solutions for employees and their dependents who participate in the company’s health plan. These solutions help to drive down healthcare costs, while improving employee productivity and overall well-being. With a more convenient medical solution, your employees and their dependents are more likely to visit your HealthSpot clinic when needed to stay healthier, while cutting down on more expensive forms of care such as urgent care visits, ER visits and inpatient admissions.

Our mission is to provide Proactive.Relevant.Solutions to you and your workforce – delivering a healthy, and more productive workforce, and reducing your overall employee healthcare costs.

Let’s talk. A few minutes of your time could result in big savings for your company.

Services We Offer

There are so many reasons to choose ProCare HealthSpot, here are a few items:

Acute and Comprehensive Care

Occupational Health

Immunizations and Lab Services

Customized Medication Dispensing

Biometric Screenings & Analysis

Health Risk Assessments

Active One-on-one Wellness Coaching

Mobile App Direct Scheduling

24-Hour Nurse Triage Line and Telehealth Services

Stress Management / Mental Health

3D Digital Mammography Services

Population Health Management

and so much more...